Summer is a great time to fish on Hilton Head Island. There are several species that you can find year round, including summer, and others that have a late summer spawn where they gather in large schools, making them easier to catch.
Here are 5 species of fish you can find in the inshore waters around Hilton Head during the summer months:
Redfish – Redfish, or red drum, are easiest to catch in spring or fall; however, there are plenty to be found in the Palmetto Dunes lagoon system in the summer, as well. During summer, we blind-cast to find these fish, which can vary in size from between 1 and 40 pounds. There are more than 6000 red rum within the lagoon system, so there’s a good chance you’ll catch one!
Flounder – Summer is a great time to find bigger flounder on spin or fly rods. We love to help kids find these “funny looking” fish that lay flat on the bottom of the sand. Large flounder weigh 11 pounds or more but most weigh about 2 or 3 pounds.
Trout – Fishing for trout is fast and furious during June and July! Trout are a favorite of our fishing charter Captain Trent Malphrus of Palmetto Lagoon Charters. During summer, they gather together to spawn and it’s possible to catch 20 to 30 fish in a four-hour trip. This fish can be taken on spinning or fly gear and prefer top water lures.
Tarpon – Tarpon are also abundant within the Palmetto Dunes lagoon system. These fish are best caught in August and September during their late summer spawn when they gather together in large schools. These fish usually range between 20 and 40 pounds and like to put up a big fight with their leaping ability.
Black Drum – You can find black drum year round on Hilton Head Island, but beware, they only bite on crab or shrimp. We catch these fish, which range from 5-40 pounds and are fierce fighters, by sight-casting.
Interested in catching some of these fish? We’d be happy to set you up on an inshore or lagoon fishing charter with Captain Trent. He’s been fishing these waters his entire life and will help you find exactly where the fish are biting that day. Just give us a call at 866-650-4132.